Extraire les mots de passe cryptés sous Windows Fgdump

Fgdump - Extraire les mots de passe cryptés sous Windows

Fgdump est un outil en ligne de commande permettant de récupérer les mots de passe cryptés LanMan et NTLM d’un système Windows jusqu’à Windows XP et Windows Server 2003. Pour des systèmes plus récent tournez vous vers Quark Pwdump. Cet outil s’utilise conjointement avec John The Ripper permettant de cracker les mots de passe cryptés.


fgdump [-?][-t][-c][-w][-s][-r][-v][-k][-o][-a][-l logfile][-T threads] [{{-h Host | -f filename} -u Username -p Password | -H filename}]
where Username and Password have administrator credentials

-? displays help (you’re looking at it!)
-t will test for the presence of antivirus without actually running the password dumps
-c skips the cache dump
-w skips the password dump
-s performs the protected storage dump
-r forgets about existing pwdump/cachedump files. The default behavior is to skip a host if these files already exist.
-v makes output more verbose. Use twice for greater effect
-k keeps the pwdump/cachedump going even if antivirus is in an unknown state
-l logs all output to logfile
-T runs fgdump with the specified number of parallel threads
-h is the name of the single host to perform the dumps against
-f reads hosts from a line-separated file
-H reads host:username:password from a line-separated file (per-host cr edentials)
-o skips pwdump history dumps
-a will not attempt to detect or stop antivirus, even if it is present


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